A robin sits on the branch of a tree, looking over the ocean below, not knowing what to do.
Imagine a dew on the edge of a leaf. Such is the fragility of life. At any moment, the dew could fall into the depths of the ocean, but we live as if it is not going to happen anytime soon. Throughout life, we distract ourselves from the troubles we have either by indulging in pleasurable pursuits, engaging ourselves in social endeavors, or simply by doing any bland activities that cloud us from being aware of the time that is passing away, as the dew edges closer to the tip of the leaf.
My distraction is writing. Whether to express myself, to free my thoughts, or to escape away from the unruly clutches of life, I put them all into words. Words that form abstract patterns that sings the unspoken songs inside me. Strung together and shaped into verses, composed as poems or stories. But I saw them all just as a form of distraction, a temporary escape from reality that is the inevitable, arduous journey I will need to march. These stories, after all, are just that. Wails that turned into tales.
As the bird sat pondering, an eagle appeared like a towering figure. The wise and compassionate eagle helped the bird by teaching it important skills and ways to live life, besides being a constant companion.
But there were those who believed in me more than I did. Foremost among them, was my father. He always encouraged me to write and to take it further, whatever piece of writing it was, fiction or non-fiction. So, I thought to myself. Why not?
I decided to write a science fiction story, one of my favorite genres, tinged with philosophical notions from books that I love to bury myself in. Stuck in a busy work schedule, I spent the last two years writing the book using whatever spare time I had. There were times I gave up and felt that it was not good enough, or I was not good enough. But my father was always there to push me to do it, and I finally did. I published it on Amazon last March but did not tell many people as I was nervous on the kind of reception the book would receive, but my father was so proud of me.
Just when I thought everything was going smoothly, on the 28th of April this year, my father passed away. Several of his friends and colleagues came to me and asked: ‘Could you send us the link to your book?’, ‘Your father was always talking about you and your achievements. He mentioned you published a book.’
I underestimated the love he had for me, on how proud he was of me. My strongest pillar of support is gone, and I do not know where else to lean.
The dew fell from the leaf into the ocean. The eagle is gone, never to return. The robin remained in its place, staring at the turbulent waves of the deep waters below. He is lost once again. But the lessons that the eagle taught will remain with him, till the time comes for the dew of his life to return to the same ocean.
Bavu, this one’s for you.
To learn more about Hadesh’s newly published book, visit https://www.amazon.com/God-Algorithm-H-W-Rao/dp/B08TZDYLZP/